In addition to his career as a personal development workshop leader, life coach, counselor, and educator, Peter Sandhill is also known for his interest in rugby. Whether it be as a rugby referee, coach, or player out on the pitch, Sandhill speaks to the ways that the game has influenced his development into the man he is today. Much like any team sport, rugby reinforces a wide range of qualities that are crucial to personal development and growth. Here, Peter Sandhill includes traits that he believes community-based rugby participation fosters in both youth and high school aged students.
Peter Sandhill knows that, at this point, it almost goes without saying that a team sport teaches young players the value of teamwork. Still, rugby emphasizes the link between teamwork and success much more intensely than some other sports may. Players learn early that rugby is not a sport where it is easy to take all the credit. If you abandon your team on plays in search of the limelight, you are likely to get punished by the competition and potentially hurt. Rugby naturally reinforces comradery on the pitch. If you rely on your teammates, protect them, and empower them to perform at your best, you will have a much better time and likely see more wins as a team. Players will learn that, no matter how intense things get during play, that teammates should always be able to count on one another.
Rugby is a sport that always favors adaptability. After all, Peter Sandhill recognizes that the same strategies will not be effective against every opponent. To this point, with every game there is the chance that players will encounter a new obstacle that they must face to succeed. Maybe the other team has an absolute beast of a star player, their streamlined teamwork is eviscerating your defenses, or the opposing team utilizes strategies that you have not seen very often. Whatever the case may be on the pitch, it will always be important that young players focus on adaptability as part of their personal development. Things will happen in life that call for a change of plans, and it is always an asset to make changes to account for them.
Peter Sandhill acknowledges that, as a contact sport, rugby can involve getting knocked around a bit over the course of a game. Barring injuries that will take you out of the game, Sandhill recognizes that young players learn rather quickly that resilience is a huge factor in winning games. Games may be hard fought, with both sides tired by the end. Still, winning games will mean that you need to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel as your team works to secure victory. Resilience is certainly a trait that is critical in several aspects of one’s personal development. Life throws plenty of challenges our way, and the ability to stand up to obstacles keeps young people ready to continue towards their goals.